In cell biology, "abstrict" refers to a detachment from what is bound together. A wonderful word, because my paintings are also about liberation. Here there is no longer any abstraction from the figurative, here no viewer should speculate on anything again, the pictures do not recur, they are simply there.
So far I feel that I am in good hands under the roof of "Concrete Art", but there is actually also the primacy of total reason, of reduction to pure ratio, of one hundred percent mathematical calculability. The way to computer art is not far, because every PC can calculate and set color values better. This is the other side ...
My pictures play with harmony and tension. Between the squares and between the colors. And it is precisely the limitation to the form of the square, to straight lines of a certain length and forms that are in fixed relationships to each other.
This limitation is liberation, the process of painting corresponds in a certain way to that of the contemplative retreat. This form of meditative prayer begins when we stop doing. What then flows flows into the pictures. But you don't have to know that either. Just look.
So I would describe my paintings as meditative, concrete art. But it's not really about terms and designations. The pictures unfold their effect all by themselves.
In the course of time, the images have changed one more time. On the one hand, there are now very concrete works on a mathematical basis. Multiplications of prime numbers and their representation with colour fields of different areas, which ultimately result in squares again.
This almost inevitably results in series in which individual factors are changed in a very concrete way. This results in pictures that are as similar as twin siblings, although the similarity cannot be precisely determined, at least at first glance. Or the other way round: they are as different as someone who has new glasses, a completely different hairstyle, no more beard or has lost a lot of weight. You see the person, something is different, but what ...
On the other hand, the painting of the squares itself has become a theme. The application of paint, the possibilities of causing chemical changes. Oxidation, rust ... - in other words, processes that cannot be controlled one hundred percent.
The painting of such "wild" pictures alternates with the precise and rather complicated concrete works ...